CyberStitchers Membership Renewal


Renew your membership in CyberStitchers for another year. The membership year runs from May 1st of this year, through Apr 30th of next year.

Scroll down to the description to learn which membership option to choose.

Primary members will renew on the EGA website beginning 4/1/24

Refund Policy: No refunds.

SKU: cs-member-renewal Categories: ,


Which membership type should I choose?

Members of CyberStitchers can be either primary or plural members.

  • A primary member’s main chapter is CyberStitchers—even if they belong to more than one chapter. When joining or renewing their membership, they pay dues for the national EGA organization, the Tennessee Valley Region, and the chapter.  Primary members will renew on the EGA website beginning 4/1/24
  • Plural members belong to more than one EGA chapter, and CyberStitchers is not their main chapter. When joining or renewing their membership in CyberStitchers, they pay dues for the Tennessee Valley Region and the chapter. Life members pay the same dues as plural members.

Choose Primary life member if all the following apply to you:

  • You’re a life member of EGA.
  • CyberStitchers is your main (or only) EGA chapter.

Choose Plural member in TVR if all the following apply to you:

  • You belong to more than one EGA chapter.
  • Your main EGA chapter is another chapter in the Tennessee Valley Region.

Choose Plural life member in TVR if all the following apply to you:

  • You’re a life member of EGA.
  • Your main chapter is either CyberStitchers or another chapter in the Tennessee Valley Region.

Choose Plural member not in TVR if all the following apply to you:

  • You belong to more than one EGA chapter.
  • Your main EGA chapter is not in the Tennessee Valley Region.

Choose Plural life member not in TVR if all the following applies to you:

  • You’re a life member of EGA.
  • Your main chapter is a chapter outside the Tennessee Valley Region.

Additional information

Membership Category

Plural member in TVR, Plural life member in TVR, Plural member not in TVR, Plural life member not in TVR, Primary member, Primary life member