
In addition to our bimonthly meetings, CyberStitchers offers several types of educational opportunities for its membership.

  • President’s Challenge: The CyberStitchers president issues an annual challenge to the membership. The theme is announced in January and always is a surprise. It could be anything—maybe a challenge to inspire you to work on your pile of unfinished projects (aka UFOs), to try a new technique, or to stitch more every day.
  • Big Education Event (BEE): Each year CyberStitchers sponsors an EGA Group Correspondence Course (GCC). In the spring, members vote on which GCC to offer, and the course begins during the summer. Members can sign up for one BEE course each year for just the cost of the text, kit, and shipping. This is an awesome membership perk—usually you also have to pay an additional amount for the teaching fee.
  • Meeting programs: Meetings sometimes offer a program, such as an EGA Petit Project, a show and tell, a stitch-along (SAL), or other small projects.
  • Online classes: Opportunities to take classes with well-known embroidery designers. The classes are held over a period of several weeks and include online interaction with the instructor, instructional materials, and photos.

Educational activities

President’s challenge 2024

You receive one entry for each item you complete. Regardless of the number of entries you earn, you can only win once. They can be any projects that you are working on and they do not have to be EGA projects.

LONG-TERM PROJECT – This entry is awarded for the completion of a long-term project (More than a year since you started).

TVR SEMINAR and/or EGA SEMINAR – This entry is awarded for attending a TVR and/or EGA seminar.

WORKSHOP – This entry is awarded for the completion of a CyberStitchers sponsored workshop piece.

CORRESPONDENCE COURSE – This entry is awarded for the completion of a TVR or EGA Group Correspondence Course.

SHOW & TELL – This entry is awarded for bringing a piece to Show & Tell at a General meeting.

SOCIAL BUTTERFLY – This entry is awarded for posting on the CyberStitchers Facebook Group

RECRUIT NEW MEMBER – This entry is awarded for bringing in a new member.

SERVICE – This entry is awarded for performing a service for the CyberStitchers board or committee or participating in a CyberStitchers community service project.

FINISHING (FABRICATION) – This entry is awarded for completing the decoration/surface appearance of a completed needlework project.

NEW TECHNIQUE – This entry is awarded for learning a new technique – something you’ve never done before.


A BEE is a Big Education Event – that’s what we call the Group correspondence Courses we offer in Cyberstitchers. We offer several throughout the year to make sure everyone gets a chance at a technique they’d like to do. Even better, once a year you get a $25 off coupon for a BEE. We’ll automatically apply it the first time you sign up for a class.

For the Big Education Event (BEE), CyberStitchers sponsors several EGA group correspondence courses.

You must be a member of CyberStitchers to participate in the BEE. Members can register for the BEE in our chat group. If you have any questions about the BEE classes, email our education chair.

You can take as many BEEs as you like. These are wonderful ways to expand your knowledge with the instructions from a national teacher. We have Zoom meetings (if the stitchers want them) for each BEE so you can get help and ask questions. You also get to be in a subgroup in the chat group where the people in the group are taking, or have taken, the course so there’s lots of help there as well.

Prior year programs